
Dr. Christopher Shaffer, Superintendent

I come to Abington Heights School District with 25 years of experience in rural, suburban, and urban school districts, beginning my career as a high school teacher and then transitioning to school counselor, assistant principal, principal, and central office administrator. I am a proud product of Pennsylvania, earning a B.A. and M.Ed. from Pennsylvania State University and a Ed.D from the University of Pennsylvania. While I have appreciated my university experiences over the past 30 years, I have learned the most from the students I've had the privilege to serve. They showed me that success, whether in the classroom, on the sporting fields, music rooms, etc. requires a consistent commitment to becoming better with the support and dedication of everyone involved in their education. I assume this role with a commitment to continuous self-improvement as I learn from every child in the Abington Heights School District.

On a personal level, I am the father of three great children who have taught me more about empathy, compassion, leadership, and listening than any job I've had. I bring the perspective of a parent to work daily and always look through their lens before making any decisions. I realize that our families have entrusted us with their greatest asset, their children; and it is our job to keep providing this community with the most valuable of gifts, an excellent education.